E1: 20 Questions

Question 1 from Rae Higgins

Q: What is a game you are currently playing or have recently finished?

A: I've been obsessed with webkinz and have played it every day for months. It was huge for me growing up and has given me something to look forward to every day. That and pokemon.

Question 2 from Cavin Loh

Q: What is a big achievement that you achieved during quarantine or want to?

A: In quarantine I've made the most money out of my whole freelance career. That and my extremely unhealthy pin collection is huge.

Question 3 from Camellia Au

Q: Do you have good posture right now?

A: Thanks for the posture check, my back thanks you.

Question 4 from Lina

Q: Do you often question if the amount of clothes you buy a month is reasonable?

A: Frankly I need to expand my wardrobe more, so not really.

Question 5 from Robabeh

Q: Which do you prefer if you like to eat meat: Hunting or Farming?

A: Good question. I'd love farming because I get to pet all the animals and raise them, but I would feel awful killing them. Hunting seems fun, but loud noises scare me.

Question 6 from Gaby Rojas

Q: What's the happiest moment in your life?

A: Meeting my dog for the first time was the happiest moment in my life. She truly changed it for the better.

Question 7 from Josiah Koehler

Q: What is your favorite book series?

A: Haven't read a book series in a while, but I would say the most important one on my life was the warrior cats series.

Question 8 from Shabreah Woods

Q: Did you drink water today and why not?

A: Hydrate or diedrate

Question 9 from Asiya Freeman

Q: What’s your favorite cartoon character?

A: Kirby is my comfort character

Question 10 from Michelle Diaz

Q: Adidas or Nike?

A: I do like adidas pants and I have a super cool holographic adidas shirt and shoes, so I'd say adidas.

Question 11 from Sharon O'Boyle

Q: If you could ask a question of anyone (living or dead), whom would you ask and what would the question be?

A: I'd love to ask Snoop Dogg what's the secret to being so cool. That or I'd give Van Gogh a hug, he needs one.

Question 12 from Madison Pippert

Q: Have you ever created fan art, fanfiction, or remixed music from a piece of media you like?

A: I've created more fan art than the average person. Guess you can say it's part of my income too.

Question 13 from Wes Anaya

Q: Disregarding money as a factor, what would your dream job be?

A: I want to be a goat farmer. Just live among the goats in the fjords.

Question 14 from Miranda Galas

Q: If you could change one thing from your culture, what would it be?

A: I would love for stereotypical texans to not be homophobic.

Question 15 from Noah Brennan

Q: What do you do to unwind and cool down?

A: I love to get cozy in a bundle of blankets and cuddle my dog.

Question 16 from Tiffany LeBlanc

Q: Do you eat ketchup with your eggs?

A: No! Eggs go with cheese and other things, not ketchup.

Question 17 from Yuxuan Hu

Q: Can you use an adjective or a sentence to describe what makes you different from other people?

A: I do tend to be easily overly affectionate with people I like.

Question 18 from Maria Calvio

Q: What's a few things you have on your bucket list before moving on to the next life?

A: 3 things for my bucket list are to go to Sweden, adopt a child, and to raise goats.

Question 19 from myself

Q: If you could be any animal, what would you be?

A: I would be a goat! My parents have always called me their baby goat, since as a kid I would scream randomly, climb everything, eat everything, and headbutt them.

Question 20 from Kai Wilson

Q: What has the pandemic made you miss the most?

A: This is the answer for the question.